(Lillian Boutté)

Lillian Boutté vocal (USA, New Orleans)

Efter en lang karriere og 21 fantastiske år med koncerter og turnéer med Lillian Boutté & Burich-l´Etienne Ensemble (1996-2016) har Lillian Boutté i 2016 måttet indstille sin karriere på grund af sygdom.
Vore tanker er hos Lillian.

Lillian Boutte, internationally recognized New Orleans vocalist, long time Jazz Ambassador to the city, and social activist. She’s used her voice to share New Orleans Jazz & culture all over the world, raising money for the Katrina recovery, the New Orleans Musician’s Clinic, and helping numerous musicians start their international careers. She’s spent decades doing workshops for special needs children, and has always made herself available for anyone, or organization needing help.  She is now facing the devastating disease of dementia and alzheimer’s.  The family is struggling to do what needs to be done to take care of Lillian.  Your donation will help with medical supplies; skilled care givers and an additional support she needs.

Tilbageblik fra vores 20 års jubilæumsturné med Lillian Boutté: “A Tisket a Tasket” Hagges Music Pub, Tønder, February 6. 2015



Phil Parnell
Den 2. sept. 2015 mistede vi et dejligt menneske og en fremragende pianist, Phil Parnell.
On Sept. 2 we lost a beautiful person and an outstanding pianoplayer, Phil Parnell.
We will miss you. RIP

“A Tisket a Tasket” feat. Phil & Lillian Boutté, Hagges Music Pub, Tønder, February 6. 2015

Phil & Don playing “Tin Roof Blues”Stubhuset Støvring March 13. 2015

Private recording “When It´s Sleepy Time Down South & “Miss Jenny´s Ball”  Næstved Jazzklub February 2012.


Lokal-TV indslag fra koncert i Radsted Forsamlingshus den 9. februar 2002.